Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tingly Breasts Before Period 2 Days Late For Period Am I Pregnant?

2 days late for period am i pregnant? - tingly breasts before period

I have two days too late for my time and my symptoms, I have breast pain and tingling sensations are also very swollen. (I have never, as my breasts before my time) I am very swollen enough that people ask me if I'm pregnant, I was making frequent headaches and nausea, I also had some pain but nothing like the time I was . I also feel a sense of floating in my stomach. Am I pregnant?


Rosemary K said...

A pregnancy test! The agitation is a symptom of pregnancy if you are more than 4 months. Two days later, it is time to deliver the results in a pregnancy test to be able to take it (or Start Stop) of concern. :)

Paresh M said...

You sound pregnant.

BabyMoll... said...

They do not feel any shaking or movement until later. If you are already late, why not just a test !!??? No one here can say with certainty whether or not. Only a test can tell.

Nothing But Time said...

My Magic 8 Ball says: "Take a Test!

If you are two days late, then there is no possibility that you, a flutter ....

Good luck!

mom said...

No one can seriously answer this question if you take a pregnancy test. Go shopping at Walmart

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