Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Humira More Drug_warnings_recalls Can Humira Knock Out The Effectiveness Of Birth Control?

Can Humira knock out the effectiveness of birth control? - humira more drug_warnings_recalls

My friend and I have sex once or twice a week on average. She suffers from juvenile arthritis and taking Humira. My mother was with her first child (my brother) when he was pregnant on birth control. One of his other medications he retired. I wonder, is it possible that Humira can call the birth control? I do not know know for sure, and do not use condoms, because I'm super sensitive and can not empathize with them. I really hope that Humira is also control of the birth.

Thank you.


Moxie131... said...

Normally, all that are affected with oral contraceptives, antibiotics, and even that is rare today. There are some counter supplements also reduce the effectiveness of birth control.
If your GF gets all its PRECRIPTION (from the same pharmacy or even the same pharmacy chain), check the Automatically, interaction, and would like to know whether the treatment could reduce the effectiveness of Humira contraception.
Humira should not affect birth control.
By the way, if you want an alternative to oral contraceptives, over-the-counter options, such as ortho options - a spermacide in an applicator that uses his GF right before sex. It is $ 15 per 10 applicators.

Rachel L 5555 said...

It should not detract from the effectiveness of birth control (I assume) You talk about her taking the pill. In general, antibiotics that impair the effectiveness of the pill. Just to be sure you can call any pharmacist and managed to get the accurate information. If we determine that there is a possiblility, you can use spermicidal jelly, and you do not know how to use condoms. Good luck!

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